If I were to define me I would say I am direct, loyal, confident, capable, positive, playful, and strong. Lately due to things out of my control I do not feel as positive or as strong as I would like. Instead my positive attitude has been replaced with vulnerability and instead of feeling strong I feel powerless. My inner strength has been missing. I was in my car driving from one destination to the next checking off my list of errands. Butt dancing to a great song, windows down and the wind blowing in my hair. I love the wind!!!! I drove past a tree that the wind had knocked down a fairly large branch. It made an impression on me. The tree made such an impression that I turned the car around and took the picture of the tree and am now blogging about it.
So, today at this moment I am putting my vulnerability and feeling of helplessness in the past!! I am quashing my negative disposition. That tree and the power of the wind have evoked a magnificent positive reaction in me. The inability to exercise my psychological strength has been a weakness of mine of late. I will focus on the things I can improve. I will stop dwelling in the past but will once again exercise my strength.
For me, this means recognizing the problem and then formulating a plan of action. Once I have my goal in sight I know I will succeed with my task. Think about ways you have been, or are currently expressing psychological weakness in your work, in your relationships, or in other areas of your life. Consider what was, or is at the root of the problem. Now come up with a plan to exercise your strength, and then carry it out. You will gain inner strength that will help you at your job, in your home life, in your relationships, with carrying on your tasks and with accomplishing your ambitions. As your power grows, it will be easier for you to rid of habits and attitudes that stand in your way to a better life. Watch as life surprisingly responds!